Who one satisfied .

Are you satisfy ? Lots of people heard that question in life many times in any form. But there are not specified answered getting by anyone in real meaning. It's possible different person have different answer and definition of satisfaction. Let's try to know what is satisfaction and how will be satisfy. 
This is not only a few letters word, hence there meaning of stratification in actually might be different in social and economic life of people. It has been seen many times peoples trying to get satisfaction in life through using different method , but they not reached the level of such satisfaction, they want. 
Satisfaction is a very sweet word that refers to that state of the mind, when there is happiness from within and starts feeling. The present and near future seem to be happy.
But one question is constantly related to our life that is there ever satisfaction in the journey of life?  Can one be satisfied for life?
Many Great Saints and Great men give this discourse that the name of taking satisfaction in whoever is near is life. But still man's mind remains disturbed. Is the name of life stopping at one place?
As per words of Our father of nation Mahatma Ghandi quotes that " Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory".
A true satisfaction is pleasure than you reliase what I do and get from it as per needed, it's indicate a bit of satisfication.
#The Bhagwat Gita also describe about satisfaction is way that in chapter 4 Transcendental Knowledge; 
यदृच्छालाभसन्तुष्टो द्वन्द्वातीतो विमत्सरः | समः सिद्धावसिद्धौ च कृत्वापि न निबध्यते || २२ ||


Hello. Just know about it how could you react when you face some different thing and how you will relate to this thing when you unknown about there diversity. It all about our mind and our reactions.

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